Year 1 - Rainbow Fish & Elmer
Rainbow Fish & Elmer Classes
Autumn 1
As readers
Our class book for this half term is Aesop’s Fables. We will be reading more in-depth with a key focus on the stories of The Hare and the Tortoise, The Wind and the Sun and The Dog and his Bone. Children will be learning to make predictions, sequencings key events and writing a character description.
As a key stage, we will be continuing to work on our reading skills and phonic knowledge using the Read Write Inc. Scheme. The children have been assessed and have been put into their new groups. Parents should expect to receive a copy of the reading book the children are currently reading in their phonics groups, as well as a pleasure for reading book.
As writers
Using our book, ‘Aesop’s Fables, we will be working on our writing skills, ensuring we are correctly formatting our sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. As well as using our phonic knowledge to sound out words to help build sentences. Children will learn about ‘What a moral is’, how to describe a setting and to re-tell a story.
As mathematicians
In maths, we will delve into looking a place value (within 10), children will learn how to sort objects into different category groups, find an amount and how many are left. They will use a range of resources to support their learning and understanding throughout. We will begin to learn how to read and write numerals and words from zero to ten and match the correct numeral to word. We will explore one more and the mathematical symbols for more than, less than and equal to. Later in the term we will focus on shape, from 2D to 3D shapes, looking at the properties and how they can be described.
Key vocabulary: same, different, object, counter, numeral, zero, more than, less than, countdown, fewer, equal, compare, order, fewest, most, shape, 3D, 2D, face, edges, pattern.
As scientists
In science, we will describing and observing seasonal changes, children will be given the opportunity to go and explore their local areas at the wild life and plants around them. They will draw pictures of what they have observed and describe using scientific vocabulary. Children will identify and classify materials, explore the properties and investigate what they are made from. They will make links to the everyday things they use within the class to what they have been exploring.
Key vocabulary: weather, season. Autumn, material, wood, plastic, metal, fabric, glass, marble, paper, waterproof, absorbent, stiff, stretchy, weather, properties, rigid, tough, sturdy, strong, test, run off.
As geographers
In geography, we will be exploring our world and delving more in depth about the United Kingdom. We will look at capital cities, countryside and mountains as well as human and physical features. Children will learn about the differences and similarities between areas and be able to describe them.
Key vocabulary: continent, ocean, country, capital, city, countryside, mountains, rural, urban, settlement, postcode, street
As artist
Our artist this half term is Henri Matisse. We will explore who he is about what he was famous for. We will look at the styles used and create a collage representing a setting from one of ‘Aesop’s Fables’. We will then explore our creativity and make a collage in the style of Henri Matisse.
Key vocabulary: layering, glazing, collage, abstract.